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Making the simple complicated is commonplace; making the complicated simple, awesomely simple, that's creativity.”  ~Charles Mingus

Losch Machine logo design, DesignWorks NH
Totes with Tales logo design, DesignWorks NH
Commando's logo design, DesignWorks NH
Frank and Associates logo design, DesignWorks NH


Who needs a logo? 
If you are selling products or services — you do. It’s that simple.


Your logo is a unique, and when well designed, memorable identifier that conveys your company and product’s personality and quality to your potential customers. It is often the first exposure they have to you, so it needs to make a great first impression. A well-designed logo stands apart from the competition, is the foundation of your branding across all of your media, and maintains its relevancy for years to come.


How do we design a great logo?
We start by getting to know who you are.


We want to know about your business and products. A great logo is like a snowflake. It is unique to you and best represents your products. It conveys your business' personality to your prospective buyer or client. Is your company serious, playful, philanthropic, ethnic, sexy or edgy? What demographics comprise your market? Who is your competition and what makes you and your products different and better? Answering these questions and more gives us the insight we need to start the creative process.

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