“The details are not the details. They make the design.” ~Charles Eames
Your label—more than just a pretty face.
Although your label should obviously be attractive to your audience, designing a label is much more complicated than that. The US FDA and EPA, and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and Health Canada have strict requirements when it comes to label design.
Certain items have to be contained within specific areas on your label. Typefaces have size requirements. Even WHAT you name your product and how you describe it come into play. We’ve spent over three decades working with these evolving requirements, in addition to Nutrition Facts charting, UPC procurement, multi-layer and reseal label design, bilingual labeling and more.
How we design a great label.
If we’ve designed your logo, we’ve gotten to know who you are. If not, we want to know about your business and product(s) before starting the design process. Who is your market? How do you want to position your product, e.g—what is its' “personality”? Who is the competition and what makes your product different? Better? Armed with our regulation and creative expertise, and the answers to these and other questions, we are able to design a unique label that makes your product stand out in the marketplace.